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The Bambach Saddle Seat from SitStand - How it works

If you do a lot of sitting (and most of us do) you probably won’t believe how much the simple act of sitting is damaging your body. But it is. And there’s a lot of science to prove it. That’s why so many people suffer from back pain, headaches, or problems with their neck, arms, hands or shoulders. You may very well be one of them. If you are, then here’s something else you might find hard to believe: the solution is surprisingly simple. That’s because the solution is a seat. More specifically, it’s the Bambach Saddle Seat from SitStand.

The Bambach Saddle Seat from SitStand is good for the spine. Very good. In fact, it’s built in the UK by Bambach and it's the only seat scientifically proven to reduce and prevent back pain and other posture related problems. Whether you already suffer with these problems, or you want to avoid doing so in the future, you should seriously consider using a Bambach.



What’s wrong with the seat you use now?

The short answer is ‘a lot’. That’s because conventional seats force the spine out of its natural, healthy ‘S’ shape, into an unnatural and extremely unhealthy ‘C’ shape. This doesn’t merely result in musculoskeletal problems such as lower back pain, but tends to crush the internal organs, producing a wide range of other problems and even increased cholesterol levels.



How does a Bambach Saddle Seat from SitStand help you sit more healthily?

Basically, it supports your pelvis in the same position it’s in when you are standing. This ensures that when you sit, your spine is in a natural ‘S’ shape, so you sit easily and effortlessly upright. The result is a dramatic reduction in the likelihood of suffering from back pain, muscular pains, or any posture related problems.


What are the benefits of using a Bambach Saddle Seat from SitStand?

The instant you begin using it, you’ll feel a positive difference. And after a while, you’ll wonder why you ever felt comfortable on your old seat. Customers have reported a massive range of benefits, from simple back pain relief to being a life-changing experience.


Are the benefits medically proven?

Yes. There is a massive amount of evidence, from research carried out across the world, that most conventional seats cause posture related problems. And the SitStand Saddle Seat has been scientifically proven to help reduce or avoid these problems.


Can you demonstrate that it really works?

Certainly. It takes just a few seconds to see for yourself that it really works. Why not ask for your free trial and try our simple test? 



Who can benefit from using a Bambach Saddle Seat from SitStand?

Anyone who does a lot of sitting, really. And that’s almost everyone. In fact, statistics show that we sit, on average, for nearly 9 hours a day! So it’s no wonder that 80% of adults suffer back pain at some stage in their life.



"You can minimise your risk of developing a 
slipped disc or back injury that could lead to sciatica 
by adopting a better posture." - NHS UK