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The 'C' shaped spine... why conventional seats are bad for you

Posted by Cliff Ashton Eaton on

Conventional seats create increased pressure on your lumbar discs The C-shape is not good for the body because, in this position, the body’s center of gravity is behind the sitting bones rather than over them, which is an unstable position as there is minimal weight bearing on the legs, resulting in significantly increased pressure on the lumbar discs, stretching the ligaments and muscles supporting the spine, and this position puts pressure on internal organs. This makes breathing and digestion harder, and even means that the heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body.     Conventional seats...

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Sitting all day is VERY bad for your health!

Posted by Cliff Ashton Eaton on

When you sit on a flat seat, some important postural muscles become inactive, and they almost stop producing lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that’s important for removing fat and cholesterol from the blood. Studies show that, when these muscles are relaxed, enzyme activity drops by up to 95%, leaving fat in the bloodstream. Within a couple hours of sitting, levels of a certain healthy kind of cholesterol, plummets by 20%. So – conventional flat seats and most so called posture seats are clearly not good for the body. Yet, despite the abundance of medical and scientific evidence that shows the dangers...

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Get Britain Standing

Posted by Cliff Ashton Eaton on

Many experts suggest that rather than sitting down to do your work, you should stand up so you can avoid the dangers and problems caused by conventional sitting positions. When you’re standing, the pelvis is in a neutral position, and your postural muscles help to keep the spine in a natural healthy “S” shape. Of course, standing to work is not an option for most of us... ...what’s more, it has long been known that standing all day is not only more tiring, but it dramatically increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis (by a factor of nine to be precise)....

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Lower back pain relief...

Posted by Cliff Ashton Eaton on

More than 80% of us will suffer with some form of back pain at some time. As staggering and worrying a statistic as that is, back pain is also the most frequent cause of activity limitation in people younger than 45 years old! One of the most common areas of the spine that is affected by pain is the lumbar spine, with lower back pain affecting over half of all back pain sufferers.Although lower back pain is often caused by performing activities such as bending, twisting or lifting with poor form, sitting for long periods of time is one of...

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Check your posture right now.

Posted by Cliff Ashton Eaton on

How is your back? And your neck? Not too great? The Bambach Saddle Seat from allows you to sit effortlessly with perfect posture, easing and preventing lower back pain and most other posture related problems, including Sciatica. The keystone to good posture is the pelvis. Traditional 'posture seats' and back supports only focus on your lumbar spine. The Bambach Saddle Seat positions your pelvis in the same healthy position it's in when you're standing, restoring your spine's natural curvature.     We all slouch in conventional chairs, and we all know that slouching while sitting is bad for us....

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